Dubstep - a dark blend of wobble basslines, twisted soundscapes and deep sub-basses. This 75-preset sound library is tightly focused on usable dubstep sounds, covering the complete range from sparse minimalism through to mashed-up mayhem. Basses abound, with bucketloads of animated wobble basses, throbbing subs, plenty of grime-laden, squelchy synths, heavyweight drum sounds, plus punchy FX for your builds, drops and transitions.
Camel Audio Dubstep Soundbank for Alchemy | 154MB
With over 150MB of new sampled content, Dubstep includes comprehensive kits full of punchy drums and lush FX hits, rich new pad sounds, reverberant soundscapes and glitchy FX. Crank up the tempo to 140bpm and let the inspiration flow!
Number of Sounds: 75 (600 variations)
Sound Categories: 40 Bass (25 Wobble, 6 Sweep, 5 Distorted, 4 Sub), 12 Soundscapes, 11 Sound Effects, 8 Synth, 4 Drums - view full list
Genres: Dubstep, Drum and Bass, Electronica
Sound Designers: Himalaya, Stephan Romer, Andre Ettema, biomechanoid, Yuroun, Gareth L Devlin, Christian Kjeldsen, Bryan Lee
Requirements: Alchemy Player (included) or Alchemy
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
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